Member of International Campus Vienna

The school doctor (Dr Sandra Gönner) checks the general health of our pupils at the beginning of year 1 and in year 4 and informs the parents about any examinations, vaccinations, etc. that may be necessary.

The school doctor's FIRST examination costs € 50. All ongoing examinations are offered as a service free of charge.

The health and safety of our pupils is important to us!

When the first, possible signs of illness are detected, the decision to keep the child at home or send him/her to school is not always easy. We want to ensure a healthy environment for everyone else and have established some guidelines for this.

Please keep your child at home if the following symptoms are evident:

  • A body temperature of over 38 degrees Celsius is measured. (to be allowed to return to school, the child must have been fever-free without taking fever-reducing medication within the last 24 hours);
  • Nausea, vomiting or diarrhoea within the last 24 hours;
  • Severe earache that has lasted for more than a day;
  • Headache and pain in the limbs;
  • Dizziness;
  • Persistent, persistent phlegmy cough, chest tightness;
  • Unidentifiable and unexplained redness or swelling of the skin;
  • GRIPPE: If a child or pupil has typical signs of influenza, he or she must be examined by a doctor and stay at home.
  • Louse or nit infestation: Please note that your child is not allowed to attend school again until the head lice have been successfully treated.
  • Infectious diseases: After infectious diseases (such as damp patches,..) your child may not attend school again until a doctor's confirmation is brought in BEFORE the next school visit,
  • If a child has started taking an antibiotic medicine, he/she may return to school at the earliest 24 hours after the first dose (some diseases require a longer period). In any case, please follow the recommendations of your doctor.
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