Member of International Campus Vienna

Grading / Performance Assessment / Certificate

We know that teaching, learning and the assessment of a student’s performance are interlinked and strongly depend on each other. Our pedagogical team evaluates a student’s work based on the school’s guidelines and standards. 

At the beginning of the school year, students and parents receive information (usually at the parents’ evening in the first week of school) regarding the different types of performance assessment. Students always receive feedback immediately and in a supportive manner. At MCA, performance assessment goes beyond the traditional assessment of a student’s current stage of learning. The assessment further includes learning strategies, methodological skills and a student’s personal learning progress.

Starting in 4th grade, children are assigned grades in accordance with the Austrian grading system (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) complemented by a verbal assessment. The evaluation is supported by comprehensive records of learning objectives.

With the assessment of a student’s performance in the form of a detailed record of learning objectives and the assignment of grades starting in 4th grade, we want the children to develop a strong work ethic and we want to help them understand the principle of sowing and reaping. 

We want the students to understand why they are assigned a certain grade and we want to support their efforts to improve their grades. We want them to understand that the results of their record of learning objectives or their grades are their well-deserved reward for good work and not simply a product of chance. We focus on productivity and explain that a bad grade/assessment simply indicates that their work in this area is not done yet. It does not mean that a child has failed as a person.

The pedagogical team (especially the responsible subject teacher) takes the accomplishments of all relevant semesters as a basis for the assessment of a child’s accomplishments in a subject. An emphasis is put on the student’s development – the most recent performances are given more importance.

The assessment is a result of the learning objectives that have been reached, written and oral participation and the child’s way of working.  

Learning objective: 

     If and to what extend a learning objective has been reached


     Active participation in class, timely completion of assigned tasks and exercises, partner work and team work

Way of working:

     Use of material, handling exercise books and worksheets, precision, carefulness


     Students are assigned an additional grade for their behavior towards teachers and other children (social competence).

Twice a year (one week before the end of a semester) the teachers’ conference meets to discuss the assessment of the performance of individual students.

Levels of Assessment

Certificates are also considered as proof that students have completed compulsory education and are meant to ensure comparability with the Austrian school system, ensuring the permeability of the education system. Therefore, grades are also recorded in accordance with the Austrian evaluation system as per §14 of the performance assessment regulation of the Legislation of Schooling Obligations (please click here for more information).

Assessment of Conduct at School

Inside of the mid-term report (Schulnachricht), parents find comments regarding a student’s behavior at school. Teachers evaluate whether and to which extend a student’s personal behavior and his/her social integration at school meet the requirements of the school regulations. As part of the admission procedure, parents confirm their agreement with the school regulations (parents’ folder and students’ manual). For the assessment, we take the child’s nature, age and effort to behave properly into account.

Assessment of Work Performance 

The assessment of work performance is based on:

  • Continual assessment of performance regarding a student’s participation in class and his/her work on assigned tasks
  • Written tests on a defined segment of subject matter
  • Written and oral exams

Certificates and Timely Information for Parents

Each semester, there is a Parent’s Day where parents receive so-called Report Cards that inform them about their child’s current assessment status. They also have the opportunity to talk to the teacher personally. 

At the end of a school year, students receive a notification regarding their performance status. 

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